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Powered Jar Opener
An Illinois farmer who wanted to make it easier for his wife to open tightly sealed bottles and jars has come up with a first-ofits-kind powered jar opener that applies motorized power to a jar-opening cone.
William Jones built his first prototype using a washing machine motor, an air conditioner clutch and other odds and ends from his machine shop. It stood 2 ft. tall and weighed 92 lbs., much too bulky to fit in the kitchen. But the idea worked so he decided to invest the money in a working-size prototype and try to bring it to market.
"There are millions of people who have arthritis or other problems with their hands that make it difficult to open jars. And some jars are sealed so tight they're difficult for anyone to open no matter how strong they are," says Jones.
The "Open Up" power twist opener is battery-powered (4 "D" batteries last a year or more) and mounts under a kitchen cabinet. It's activated by a pressure switch so when you slip a jar up into it, it automatically begins to turn with about 3 to 5 times the twisting power of a human hand thanks to high-strength gears that multiply the small electric motor's torque. You can hold the jar with both hands while opening so the contents don't spill as the jar opens.
2-in. dia. medicine bottle caps to large 4-in. vacuum-sealed jars.
Jones located a manufacturer and has gotten the product included in many popular mail order catalogs. Sells for $35.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, William C. Jones, 209 East Ensey, Tuscola, Ill. 61953 (ph 217 253-3123).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #4