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Lambing Pen For Sheep Producers
Sheepmen who've used it are sold on Sydell Manufacturing's new lambing pen that features a built-in creep area for lambs and an optional ewe headlock.
"We're selling them about as fast as we can build them," says John Lynch, inventor-manufacturer of the patented lambing pen system.
The pens (4 by 6 by 3 ft. high) are made of solid steel rods (3/8 and 1/2 in. dia.) that pin together for fast, easy assembly wherever needed. An 18 in. wide creep area, heated with lamps, protects lambs from ewes and provides a dry bedding area.
Lynch's patented new ewe headlock is available as an option for use with the pen system, or you can buy it separately to adapt to an existing pen. Although designed primarily for ewes, it also "works great" for holding calves or goats, says Lynch. "For sheepmen, it makes ewe maintenance a one-person job. It adjusts for width and can be moved from pen to pen to contain ewes for grafting, milking, vaccinating or other treatment.
"A key feature of the headlock is its release mechanism," notes Lynch. "It's designed so the animal, when released, has to back out rather than go forward. Having to back out keeps the animal inside the holding pen when it's released."
As a rule of thumb, Lynch recommends one lambing pen system per 10 ewes. After lambing, the pens can be pinned together to make up a creep feeding area for lambs.
Lynch recommends one ewe headlock per five pens. It sells for $30.95. Cost of a self-standing, 4-sided lambing pen system is $104. If you run several pens together, or use an existing sidewall as one side of the pens, you can reduce per-pen cost accordingly.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sydell Mfg., Rt. 1, Box 85, Burbank, S. Dak. 57010 (ph toll free 1-800-351-1477, ext. 352; or 605 624-4538).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #6