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He Turned A Flail Chopper Turned Into Cornstak Windrower
"If I'd known this was going to work out so well, I'd have bought a newer chopper to make it out of," says Rutland, N. Dak., farmer Grant Gulleson about an old flail chopper he turned into a big capacity corn stalk windrower.
"I was looking for a practical way to put up corn stalks for cattle feed, but I wanted to pick up a lot more than one or two rows at a time," Gulleson explains.
He bought an old Lundell 15-ft. wide flail chopper and removed the original hood over the flails and discarded it. He mounted a 12-in dia. auger behind flails to carry stalks to the left side of the chopper. Then Gulleson replaced the last 2 ft. of flighting on the auger with two fan blades 6-in. wide by 2-ft. long. The blades blow stalks out the back of the machine to form the wind-row.
He cut up a big barrel to make a new hood over the flails and auger. Cut in half lengthwise and bolted in place, the barrel hood has 1 1/2-ft. more clearance than the original hood. He cut a flap in in the hood on the discharge end where stalks exit the windrower.
Making the discharge just the right size was the trickiest part of the project, according to Gulleson.
"We wanted the windrow to be a little less than 2 ft. wide so the combined double windrow after two passes wouldn't be more than 4 ft. wide, the width of our Case-IH 3640 baler," he explains.
By making two passes Gulleson can combine 12 (30-in.) rows into one big windrow for baling.
"We built the windrower last summer and we baled stalks with it last fall," he says. "It worked great."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Grant Gulleson, R.R., Box 17, Rutland, N. Dak. 58067 (ph 701724-6201).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2