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Tractor Letter Holders
When their son left home and went to college, Dwain Christensen and his wife decided to send him something to remind him of home.
"We designed him a pen and letter holder with a 4-WD Deere tractor on it because we use Deere equipment. It looked so nice we decided to send them to three of our daughters, who are also living away from home. They all love them," says Dwain. "They're fun to make and it's a project we can work on during the winter. We've been making them for sale for a year and a half and have sold quite a few to farmers. They were even used as a prize for drawings at a farm show here in Idaho."
The tractor stands on a flat acrylic base with the edges sanded and rounded off. The tires of the tractor are glued to the base. The letter holder is made out of clear acrylic. The pens have a screw-on base that can be screwed in by hand.
"We have used various makes and models of tractors, and we also make them with antique cars. We try to accommodate whatever people want to mount on there," says Dwain, noting that prices vary depending on which model of tractor - or other item - is used, but ranges from $10.50 to $15. Bases can be any color and they sometimes use mirrors for the letter holder. They have also made them with smaller bases deco-rated with pens of miniature animals for between $4.50 and $7.00.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dwain K. Christensen, Central Design & Gifts, 1651 Rich Road, Grace, Idaho 83241 (ph 208 425-3280).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #6