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Fan Sucks Chaff Off Radiator
"It works better than any commercial chaff screen on the market," says Ben Kambeitz, Richmound, Sask., about the chaff fan he mounted on front of his Case 2670 4-WD tractor.
Kambeitz got the idea because he mounts a dozer blade on the front of the tractor and the mounting brackets - which remain in place all the time -don't leave room for a conventional chaff screen.
Instead, he used a Ford starter motor fitted with a fan blade from a Chevy car. The starter (and solenoid) are wired to a switch inside the cab. If chaff builds up on the radiator, he simply slows the tractor motor down and presses the button. The fan quickly draws the chaff off.
"The starter motor turns between 4,000 and 6,000 rpm's so it has tremendous draw that overcomes the suction of the tractor's cooling fan. Cleans off the radiator completely. You could use the idea on any equipment," says Kambeitz.
Contact: FARM S HOW Followup, Ben Kambeitz, Box 93, Richmound, Sask. S0N 2E0 Canada.

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #2