1990 - Volume #14, Issue #3, Page #09
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Add-On Power Steering
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Reynolds mounted the power steering pump from an old Chevy car on the side of the engine, positioned so that it drives off the same belt that powers the alterna”tor and the water pump. The add-on wide axle consists of a steering axle from an old Deere 55 combine that was all set up for power steering. The axle came with a 12-in. long, 2-in. dia. rod welded to it for a pivot point. Reynolds adapted this to the tractor with a mount made from a piece of 1/2-in. thick 6 by 8-in. channel iron 12 in. long.
A 2-way hydraulic cylinder mounts on the left side of the axle. It's controlled by a 4-way hydraulic control valve that mounts at the base of the steering column (the valve was salvaged from an old combine but Reynolds doesn'tknow what make or model).
To update the electrical system from 6-volt to 12-volt, Reynolds simply mounted a Chrysler 12-volt alternator in place of the old alternator and fitted the tractor with a 12-volt battery. "It charges much better now and always starts," says Rey”nolds.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Walter Reynolds, Rt. 1, Box 388, Wil”liamsville, Mo. 63967 (ph 314 297-3401).

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