Air Assisted Crop
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Billed as "the most promising new development in sprayers in the last decade," air-assisted crop sprayers are catching on fast in Europe. At last month's Smithfield show in England, at least six major manufacturers exhibited latest new models. Still more companies are expected to enter the fast-growing market this coming year.
The new-style sprayers get the job done with up to half as much chemical, half as much water and with a lot less drift. Here's a closer look at two different versions:
Sleeve-Boom Sprayer
Developed in Israel, the Degania sprayer uses an inflatable 25 in. dia. plastic sleeve which runs the full length of the boom. The tractor pto drives a powerful air blower. Air volume and velocity are uniform at every air outlet (1.5 in. dia. holes spaced 3 in. apart) running along the bottom of the sleeve. Air turbulence turns plants so that spray droplets cover both the top and lower side of leaves and their stems. Air flow currents force down spray droplets at a velocity which overcomes strong winds to reduce drift 35% or more.
Available in 3 pt. and trailer models up to 80 ft. wide.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Degania U.S.A., 903 E. Bacon St., Plant City, Ha. (ph 1-800 633-0428).
The Airtec Nozzle
Cleanacres Machinery in England has introduced the Airtech nozzle which uses compressed air to form droplets but not to deliver them to the target area.
Available as a complete sprayer, or in a kit for retrofitting existing sprayers, the nozzle reportedly provides effective control with rates as low as 1/10 of the label recommendation, and with 35% less drift. A curtain of air from the nozzle guides droplets down into the crop, thus minimizing drift.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cleanacres Machinery, Hazleton, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL5444DX, England (ph 0451 60139).
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Air Assisted crop CROPS Weed Control 14-1-22 Billed as "the most promising new development in sprayers in the last decade," air-assisted crop sprayers are catching on fast in Europe. At last month's Smithfield show in England, at least six major manufacturers exhibited latest new models. Still more companies are expected to enter the fast-growing market this coming year.
The new-style sprayers get the job done with up to half as much chemical, half as much water and with a lot less drift. Here's a closer look at two different versions:
Sleeve-Boom Sprayer
Developed in Israel, the Degania sprayer uses an inflatable 25 in. dia. plastic sleeve which runs the full length of the boom. The tractor pto drives a powerful air blower. Air volume and velocity are uniform at every air outlet (1.5 in. dia. holes spaced 3 in. apart) running along the bottom of the sleeve. Air turbulence turns plants so that spray droplets cover both the top and lower side of leaves and their stems. Air flow currents force down spray droplets at a velocity which overcomes strong winds to reduce drift 35% or more.
Available in 3 pt. and trailer models up to 80 ft. wide.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Degania U.S.A., 903 E. Bacon St., Plant City, Ha. (ph 1-800 633-0428).
The Airtec Nozzle
Cleanacres Machinery in England has introduced the Airtech nozzle which uses compressed air to form droplets but not to deliver them to the target area.
Available as a complete sprayer, or in a kit for retrofitting existing sprayers, the nozzle reportedly provides effective control with rates as low as 1/10 of the label recommendation, and with 35% less drift. A curtain of air from the nozzle guides droplets down into the crop, thus minimizing drift.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CleanacresMachinery,Hazleton, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL5444DX, England (ph 0451 60139).
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