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Pull-Behind 4WD Power
If you need the power of a 4-WD tractor but can't justify the cost, you might want to take a look at this tow-behind power unit built by Iowa farmer Donald Tank who says the added boost gives his 95 hp. Massey tractor the pulling power of a 160 hp. 4-WD.
Tank, who farms near Blencoe, built the power unit several years ago. He started with the frame of an old Minneapolis Moline "U" tractor, removing the engine and entire front end. High on the remaining rear part of the frame he mounted an Oldsmobile V-8 engine, facing backwards with radiator at the rear. He channeled power from the engine to the tractor transmission through two welded-together car transmissions, one of which is an automatic. The engine throttle and transmisions are controlled by outboard motor controls that run to the "towing" tractor. A tongue runs from the drawbar of the towing tractor under the entire power unit chassis to the rear of the machine where it connects directly to trailing equipment. Power unit is fitted with dual 38-in. tires. There's no 3-pt. or pto. He equipped it with a 30 gal. fuel tank.
"It turns short - I can swing it completely around on a 14-ft, lane, which you can't do with most 4-WD's - and it's easy to control," says Tank. He's used the power unit to pull big disks and cultivators. The entire project cost only $10 to $15 in parts, since he was able to salvage nearly all the parts. His primary motivation in building it was for operation under wet conditions.
The only drawback with the power unit, Tank says, is that the gas engine is somewhat expensive to operate.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Donald L. Tank, Rt. 1, Box 3, Blencoe, Iowa 51523 (ph 712 452-2081).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #3