1986 - Volume #10, Issue #1, Page #03
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Handiest Grain Sample Probe We've Seen
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The probe's spear point is a built-in thermometer (Fahrenheit or Centrigrade) which gives you the temperature of the grain sample. The probe's barrel has a built-in sliding door for collecting a large ¢ lb. sample of grain from any desired area.
The probe is equipped with special auger flighting, making it easy to move it through large volumes of grain.
The model for small grains has a 9 in. long barrel, and the one for corn and soybeans, a 15 in. barrel. Using a T-bar on the end of the handle, made up of ¢ in. dia. pipe sections, you simply auger the probe into the grain until it reaches the desired sampling area. You then turn the handle clockwise to "auger out" and retrieve the probe. As you start to pull it back, the "sampling door" in the barrel opens and immediately fills with grain, giving you a ¢ lb. sample (250 grams) ù which is large enough for taking a moisture test with most conventional do-it-yourself testers.
In addition to sampling grain for temperature and moisture, the TM probe lets you check stored grain for dockage, and for possible insect damage. You can sample grain from on top the pile, or through 5-in. dia. portholes installed in the sides of the bin.
The probe, made of cadmium plated steel for rust resistance, comes with your choice of a built-in Fahrenheit or Centigrade thermometer and an optional T-bar handle. You then buy sections of ¢-in. pipe locally to make up as long a handle as you need, depending on the size of your largest bins.
The small grain probe sells for $39.50, and the slightly longer-barreled corn-soybean probe for $44.50. Prices include shipping. All U.S. orders are shipped with a Fahrenheit temperature gauge unless otherwise specified. The optional T-bar handle sells for $7.50.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tansley Mfg., Box 5, Tourond, Man., Canada R0A 2G0 (ph 204 377-4962).

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