Deep-Till Ripper Fitted With Trash-Cutting Coulters
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"Our new deep-till ripper is equipped with pans of 20-in. serrated coulters - mounted in a V-shaped configuration - that cut and mix heavy trash much more aggressively than straight coulters. These `Terracoulters', as we call them, also do a better job of throwing dirt out to cover trash," says Mike Tebben, Tebben Enterprises, Clara City, Minn.
The spring-loaded concave coulters are mounted on a parallel linkage that can be clamped onto the toolbar of any chisel plow or moldboard plow, or other brands of deep-till rigs. Down pressure can be varied ac-cording to conditions.
"They're much more aggressive than straight coulters at cutting through trash, especially in heavy trash or in wet conditions," says Tebben. "The angled coulters pull trash apart and cut it instead of just pushing through it. They keep chisel plow shanks from plugging up and leave just the right amount of trash on top."
A 5-shank deep till rig equipped with Terracoulters sells for $12,900; a 7-shank model sells for $16,900. Individual Terra-coulter units sell for $445 apiece.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tebben Enterprises, RR 2, Box 140 West Hwy. 7, Clara City, Minn. 56222 (ph 61
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Deep-Till Ripper Fitted with Trash-Cutting Coulters TILLAGE EUIPMENT Subsoilers (55) 17-6-32 "Our new deep-till ripper is equipped with pans of 20-in. serrated coulters - mounted in a V-shaped configuration - that cut and mix heavy trash much more aggressively than straight coulters. These `Terracoulters', as we call them, also do a better job of throwing dirt out to cover trash," says Mike Tebben, Tebben Enterprises, Clara City, Minn.
The spring-loaded concave coulters are mounted on a parallel linkage that can be clamped onto the toolbar of any chisel plow or moldboard plow, or other brands of deep-till rigs. Down pressure can be varied ac-cording to conditions.
"They're much more aggressive than straight coulters at cutting through trash, especially in heavy trash or in wet conditions," says Tebben. "The angled coulters pull trash apart and cut it instead of just pushing through it. They keep chisel plow shanks from plugging up and leave just the right amount of trash on top."
A 5-shank deep till rig equipped with Terracoulters sells for $12,900; a 7-shank model sells for $16,900. Individual Terra-coulter units sell for $445 apiece.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tebben Enterprises, RR 2, Box 140 West Hwy. 7, Clara City, Minn. 56222 (ph 61
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