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Robot Lawn Mower
"We're bringing high tech to lawn care," say the manufacturers of a new "robot" lawn mower that uses a patented sensor guidance system to detect uncut grass.
The only manual labor required for each cutting is steering the machine once around the perimeter of the yard and any trees or other obstacles in that area. Then you shift the 150-lb. electrically powered unit into automatic and let it do the rest. The sonar sensing system follows the border of uncut grass, guiding the machine. When no more uncut grass is detected, the machine shuts itself off.
The Lawn Ranger, as it's called, has several safety features. Any pressure on the outside casing or on the bumper automatically shuts the unit down. There's also a remote control shut-down switch so that you can turn it off from a distance.
"It's quiet and trouble-free. Cuts a 25-in. swath and adjusts in height from 1 to 5 in. Operating speed is 70 ft. per min. and the battery charge lasts up to 4 hrs.," says co-inventor Raymond Rafaels, who designed the machine along with his partner Jim Hammond.
Sells for $900.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Technical Solutions Incorporated, 23904 Jockey Club Terrace, Damascus, Md. 20872 (ph 301253-4933).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #5