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E-Z Up Bird House Has A Built In Winch
You'll like this pole-mounted "E-Z Up" martin house with a built-in winch that cranks the house up and down as needed for clean-out.
Clarence Kirchner, Fulda, Minn., came up with the design. "I built my first martin house when I retired. It took two men to do the required yearly cleaning. After several years I decided there had to be a better way," says Kirchner.
His new martin house mounts on a 2-in. steel pole. The roof is fixed at the top of the pole but the body of the house - containing 14 separate nesting compartments - raises and lowers via a steel cable that runs up the center of the pole. A steel box near the base of the pole houses the built-in winch.
Once the house has been lowered, a second steel cable on the bottom of the house attaches to an anchor hook. When the house is cranked back up a couple feet, the cable pulls the two halves of the house apart, automatically dumping the nests on the ground and making it easy to finish clean-up. Once cleaned, the two halves of the nest are rejoined, locked, and cranked back up into position.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Clarence Kirchner, Rt. 1, Box 98G, Fulda, Minn. 56131 (ph 507 425-2761).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #3