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Water Rescue Trailer For Downed Dairy Cows
The challenge of trying to find an "injury proof" way to raise downed cows led to the invention of a new water rescue trailer that "floats" cows up onto their feet.
The new "Aqua Cow" system lets you float a downed cow up onto its legs again without using any kind of clamp, belts or chains. You roll the cow onto a rubber mat and use a tractor to pull it into the trailer. Then you close the two watertight end doors and fill the container with water that's been heated to the cow's body temperature. Some of the water can be drained out after 2 to 4 hours, allowing the cow to place more of her body weight on her legs. Once she's ready to walk out by herself, the rest of the water is drained out.
"It's a painless way to lift cows," says Ric Kirby, Kirby Mfg., Merced, Calif. "Hip clamps, belts, slings, and chains often can cause physical injury to cows by bruising or tearing their muscles. The Aqua Cow doesn't harm the cow at all. It's been used by dairy farmers in Denmark for several years, ever since hip clamps were outlawed."
The 8-ft. long, 4-ft. 4-in. wide, 4 1/2-ft. high container holds $50 gal. of water and is equipped with a fill-drain valve at the bottom.
Sells for $4,500.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kirby Mfg. Inc., P.O. Box 989, Merced, Calif. 95341-0989 (ph 209 723-0778).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #2