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Hand Held Transplanter
If you plant lots of seedlings, you might be interested in this hand-held transplanter developed in Spain by Talleres Abella.
The transplanter consists of a long tube with a "duck bill" pointed snout at the bottom. A squeeze handle along the side opens and closes the snout. To transplant a seedling, you bury the snout in the dirt and drop a seedling into the top of the snout. Then simply squeeze the handle which opens the snout. As you lift the unit away, dirt falls in around the seedling, filling the hole around it.
The transplanter sells for $18.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Talleres Abella, Generalisimo, 73, Valderrobres, Teruel, Spain (ph 974-85 00 57).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #4