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Non-Electric Cow Trainer
"Cows don't get jittery or nervous with this new trainer. It's non-electric and provides a humane, effective way of keeping cows clean during those winter months when they're tied up," says the manufacturer, Rock Island Industries.
Unlike electric trainers that work by causing pain when the animal humps, the new "Neat" trainer is built strong to prevent the cow's back from arching unless she backs up over the gutter.
It's adjustable to any size cow and can't be dodged. Available in single and double stall widths. Clamps onto any pipe of suit-able height from the floor. For wooden floors, it can be bolted to any length 2 by 6.
Sells for $20.
- For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rock Island Industries, PO Box 610, Rock Island, Que. Canada JOB 2K0 (ph 819 876-7808).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #5