Online Source For Rare A-C Parts
The Kammerer family has an eBay site with a large list of parts for A-C implements.
The family says A-C parts were built as if someone went to their shop, grabbed a metal bar off a shelf, and made the piece they needed. That happens to be exactly what the Kammerers do for a living.
The family has run its fabrication shop for several decades, so they know how to make parts. The business recently passed on to the third generation, which keeps pushing out parts and machinery every day.
The family has a lot of experience in the implement business that goes back to “Grandpa Kammerer.” He was in the business when rubber tractor tires first hit the market, and the family has been involved with machinery ever since.
Their product categories include battery boxes, brackets, clips, drawbar parts, grill screens, rods, seats, steering tubes, toolboxes, and many others.
The eBay site contains pages full of products that range in price. The shipping cost for each part is listed under the price.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kammerer Inc., Kendallville, Ind., 46755 (

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #5