Their Rental Cabins Come With Chickens
Jason and Lucie Amundsen operate a pick-your-own honeyberry farm and a free-range egg production business. But their most interesting venture is AirB-n-Bawk, two tiny rental houses on their farm that come complete with a flock of chickens.
  “My wife read about people going to a B&B above a bookstore and thought people might like to stay at a chicken farm,” recalls Jason Amundsen. “Many parents and grandparents bring kids to have the experience of being on a farm.”
  The two tiny houses are the Perch and the Nest. The Perch is a 12 by 20-ft. structure, 6 ft. off the ground. It has room for four guests with two beds (one in a loft), a half bath, and a kitchenette. It rents for $157 per night.
  The Nest is even smaller, just 8 by 12-ft., one-third of which is reserved for chickens. It sleeps three people and 20 to 25 hens. It rents for $46 per night.
  “Perch guests look out over the pasture, but Nest guests are sleeping with the birds, separated only by a glass wall,” says Amundsen. “It’s like a chicken aquarium.”
  Other amenities include an outhouse, a solar shower, firepits, and a $6 day pass to a nearby wellness and fitness center. The farm is also close to several state parks and a state bike trail.
  A high point for many guests is helping with farm chores. The “Choose Your Own Adventure” stay can include feeding and watering the pasture-raised poultry, freeing the chickens from roosts and shelters at daybreak, moving fences, putting the chickens in at night, working the farm stand, and more. Guests can also gather, wash, and pack eggs.
  While the idea of getting paying guests to do your work for you might be attractive, it has its downside. “In theory, it’s free labor,” says Amundsen. “In reality, it involves a lot of hand-holding and teaching. However, that’s what people are paying for.”
  Amundsen notes that Nest guests tend to want the experiences, although Perch guests have the same opportunity. The Nest has proven to be the most popular with an 85 to 90 percent occupancy rate, while the Perch is around 60 percent.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Locally Laid Egg Company, P.O. Box 208, Wrenshall, Minn. 55797 (ph 612-245-0450;;;

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #5