They Specialize In Rare, Organic Seeds
Gardeners interested in rare and organic seeds may want to check out Giving Ground Seeds, owned by Julie Sheen and Tyler Pratt. In addition to offering a large variety of open-pollinated seeds, the varieties are suitable for short-season climates.
“We want varieties that produce well in our climate,” Sheen says of the Idaho-based business. “We have short springs and short falls.”
The former garden educator at university gardens initially grew food to market but recognized a big need for seeds that thrived in the region. With Pratt, she networked with growers across the U.S. and the Seed Saver Exchange to obtain rare varieties. Some of them include tomato varieties that have become difficult to find. Many are heirlooms prior to 1950; all are open-pollinated so seeds can be saved and planted.
“We grow without chemical fertilizer and pesticides. We use no-till, so our growing practice sets us apart, and our varieties better adapt to those conditions,” Sheen says. “I love short-season crops because they can thrive anywhere.”
Giving Ground Seeds offers heat-tolerant tomato varieties, bolt-resistant lettuces, and other varieties that are likely to guarantee a good harvest. About 170 varieties grow on 3 acres that include weed barriers and hay tarps to smother weeds.
While some plants provide food and seed, such as tomatoes where seeds are wet harvested, some plants, such as carrots are grown just for their seeds. Harvest for most seeds starts in September, and the labor-intensive process includes cleaning the seeds with screens and fans.
Priced competitively, customers find old favorites and tempting new varieties of seeds available on the Giving Ground Seeds website. They offer a large variety of drought-tolerant tepary beans and unusual herbs such as sculpit and frizzy lizzy mustard. One of their newest offerings is a short-season cowpea.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Giving Ground Seeds, Julie Sheen, Pocatello, Idaho (ph 801-949-4438;;

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5