Jerald Ryerson, Ames, Iowa, solved the noise problem on his 15-year-old Deere 4-WD tractor by equipping it with a newer model Deere "Sound Gard" cab.
"Two years ago I rented more land and I needed a larger tractor. I bought a 1975 Deere 7520 that ran great and provided me with cheap power. After using it for one year, I was satisfied with everything but the noise level in the cab, which was so loud I'd get severe headaches operating it. I looked around and found a later model Deere 8630 Sound Gard cab in a junk yard.
"I manufactured mounting brackets for the new cab using the rollbar from the new cab. I installed the Sound Gard dash using the 8630 engine sending units. I used the 7520 steering sector in the new dash.
"The biggest challenge was to mount the throttle and shifting linkages, which were on the dash of the 7520, into the console beside the seat of the Sound Gard cab. The remote hydraulic control boxes, mounted on the back of the 7520 cab, were relocated above the rear end housing and connected with cables to the levers in the cab. Now the operator can reach them from the ground while hooking up remote cylinders, which is very handy.
"The tractor is now very quiet and fun to operate."