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Jerk Rope Pulls And Tows Them All
The shock-absorbing rope featured in 2016 (Vol. 40, No. 1) is still just as handy for farmers pulling stuck equipment out of the field or semis out of a ditch. It eliminates the “jerk” when pulling and it’s much safer.
“Jerk Rope works like a shock absorber and has more pulling energy. If it does break, there’s no explosive recoil to fly through a cab,” says Jon Levendoski, one of the owners. With Grade 100 oblong links and a patented braided nylon web assembly, Jerk Rope hooks up to chains, straps, and cables used for pulling and towing. At less than 2 ft. long, the smallest version, the Mini Jerk, sells for $287.50 and is small enough to store in a vehicle and powerful enough to pull 20,000 lbs.
Bigger versions pull even more: Little Jerk, 54,000 lbs.; Junior Jerk, 75,000 lbs.; and Big Jerk,100,000 lbs.
“Since 2016, farmers, county workers, and fire departments have used them for vehicles and equipment stuck in the sand, snow, or mud,” Levendoski says.
“Quick extraction and the safety factor are the important advantages. The Jerk Rope is OSHA and MSHA compliant and is also used in the mining industry,” Levendoski adds. He cites one example when Jerk Rope was used to pull a 6x6 articulated dump truck after a 4-in. snatch strap broke.
Videos on the website show examples of pulling out several pieces of equipment. The Jerk Rope is made in the U.S. and is available for sale on the website and through dealers listed on the website.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jerk Rope, Red Barn Manufacturing, P.O. Box 427, Coldwater, Kan. 67029 (ph 715-381-9948; jon60398@gmail.com; www.jerkrope.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #1