1987 - Volume #11, Issue #4, Page #07
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Do It Yourself Wheel Balancer
"It's accurate, maintenance free and easy to read," says Jerry Nielson of the do-it-yourself wheel balancer he invented.Called the "Plumbalancer", it uses a cone-shaped adaptor which slips into the hole in the center of car or truck wheel rims. The "hanging" rope affixes to a hook inside the cone, and to a ceiling hook. Once suspended, you then place lead weights around the outer edge of the rim as needed to exactly center the rope in the center of the cone's top opening. "Just lay the lead weights loose on the tire so you can move them around to balance the tire. Once it's balanced, you then pound the weights into permanent position on the rim, being careful not to change their position in the circle," Nielson points out.
He'd like to hear from manufacturers interested in producing his Plumbalancer commercially.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Plumbalancer, Jerry L. Nielson, Box 12, Viborg, So. Dak. 57070 (ph 605 326-5731, or 5514).
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