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Low Cost Bean Saver
You' ll like the price tag on the simple new "Bean Saver" for flex platforms, introduced by R & M Supplies, Clarion, Iowa.
Priced at only $39.95, the bolt-on device virtually eliminates the loss of beans shattered by the reel and auger drum forgers, according to Rich Mussman, president.
"The Bean Saver, mounted in the center of the platform, prevents shattered soybeans from rolling off the platform and onto the gound," explains Mussman. "New bean plants coming into the platform pull loose beans back into the combine."
Made of 14 ga. steeel, the device mounts on two bolt guards. It's hinged to flex with the platform, and to make for easy cleaning.
One model fits most flex heads, including those on the Deere 200 series, Deutz-Allis, Gleaner, Massey Ferguson, New Holland and Claus combines.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, R & M Supplies, 405 4th Ave. S.W., Clarion, Iowa 50525 (ph 515 532-3867).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #4