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Old Tire Rake Sweeps Hay Manure, Leaves, Snow, Etc
That old tire rake we first told you about 1 1/2 years ago (Vol. 10, No. 5) has caught on fast throughout Europe.
The tire rake consists of half-round truck tires, mounted on free-spinning metal discs. Tire diameter, and the number of wheels per rake, vary.
A German manufacturer, Stock Fordertechnik, promotes the rake not only for hay - which is what it was originally developed for - but also to clean manure from feedlots (it acts like a squee-gee), to move snow, to rake leaves, move dirt or stones, and to do just about any job a conventional rake or blade could perform. Tires turn when in contact with the ground. Angle of attack can be adjusted to speed up or slow down rotation. Can be used on any surface with no damage and there are no parts in contact with the ground that can break off. When the tires wear, they can be easily replaced.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rubbermat, Stock Fordertechnik, Postfach 1429, 5276 Wiehl 1, West Germany (ph 0226153121).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1