1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1, Page #19
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Bessie Bingo Raises Funds For School Group
A Michigan school group recently raised $2,900 playing Bessie Bingo, a new "sport" that was first featured several years ago in FARM SHOW.The most recent cow-drop raffle was played out in Croswell, Mich. A field was divided into 400 2-ft. squares, each of which sold for $10. Then Babe, a local Holstein heifer, was let loose in the field - fenced in by snowfence - and closely watched until she managed to make deposits on the property of three lucky square holders. Sponsors of the fund-raising effort say that although the final result was good, there were a few tense moments during the game. The biggest problem was that Babe made her first drop out of bounds, just before she arrived on the field. The crowd then waited 98 min. for her next installment, all the while cheering her on. By the time Babe fired off the last two rounds several hours later, nearly everyone had gone home. But the prizes of $750, $250 and $100 were awarded and everyone got a good chuckle out of the event. Organizers plan to stage another "Bessie Bingo" event next year.
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