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Modified Old Car Screw Jack To Change Tire On ATV
ATV tires are a real beast to remove be-cause they're so small. If you use regular tire-changing tools the tire flips over and bounces back at you. Commercial AN tire changers cost about $200. I modified an old car screw jack to do the job. I shortened the 3-ft. long jack by 1 ft. and welded a short length of pipe onto it. Then I removed the jack handle and installed a 1 1/4-in. nut in its place. The jack is equipped with a U-shaped clamp. The bottom of the clamp fits on one side of the wheel rim and the top of the clamp fits on the other side. I use a wrench to tighten the clamp, which makes an opening between the tire and rim as it's tightened down. Then I insert the pointed end of the jack into the opening and use a 1 1/4-in. socket wrench to screw the end of the jack outward, forcing the tire off the rim. (Richard Godbout, Star Rt. 1, Box 123, Cromwell, Minn. 55726 ph 218 644-3962)

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #6