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Rail-Mounted Feed Car
Michael Ryan, Ryan, Iowa, solved the problem of pushing a wheel barrow or cart through mud or snow to feed sows along a fenceline feed bunk by building a rail-mounted feed car.
The feed car took second place in National Hog Farmer's invention contest.
The feed car rides on a single 2-in. wide rail mounted on a bunk-style, fenceline feeder. Ryan raised the bulk bin 1 ft. so the car can roll under the bin boot for easy filling. The feed car holds about 400 lbs. of feed - enough to feed 90 sows once a day. A hinged roof on the car keeps feed dry. When not in use, Ryan parks the car under the bin so the lid won't blow open.
Ryan uses a grab handle welded to the end of the car to pull it along and scoops feed to sows by hand. "I can feed 42 sows in one minute," says Ryan.
He made the rail by bending 2 by 10-in. pieces of strap iron in the shape of a "U" so they hang over the top of the bunk, then welded 2 by 2 by 1/4-in. angle iron to the straps.
He built the feed car from 14-ga. sheet metal. Two 4-in. steel wheels roll along the top of the angle iron while two smaller wheels run inside the rail and two run beneath it. A 12-in. rubber wheel mounted on the bottom of the car rolls along the bottom side of the feed bunk for added stability. The rail extends 5 ft. beyond the bunk so the car can get under the bin.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Michael Ryan, RR 1, Box 154, Ryan, Iowa 52330 (ph 319 932-2089).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #6