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High Inertia Combine Cylinders
"Fully enclosed balanced cylinders with a lot more weight eliminate trash buildup, reduce vibration and reduce drive-line strain," says Mike Ellingson, Precision Farm Parts, about the company's line of "high inertia" combine cylinders that he says do more work than conventional cylinders because of the "flywheel effect" of the heavier units.
Designed for N & R Series Gleaners ($3,600), Deere 8820 ($1,975) and Deere 7720, 9600, and 9500, Massey Ferguson, and Claas (prices available upon request), the replacement cylinders feature a new way of mounting rub bars that increases threshing area and reduces bolt head wear.
Another new product introduced recently are new high-tech plastic feederhouse chains with fitted with plastic slats and sprockets (the chain is still metal). Under testing for 2 years, Ellingson says the new chain virtu-ally eliminates problems with bent slats and broken sprockets. "You can bend a slat almost in two and it will come back to original shape. And if a rock gets caught between a chain and sprocket, it pushes into the sprocket and then falls out, rather than breaking off a tooth. This chain also operates much more quietly."
Precision Farm Parts also offers the "Lazee Lazer" ($705) which is designed to eliminate premature gearbox or coupling failure on Gleaner N & R Series combines. "Most breakdowns are due to an alignment problem. The Lazee Lazer helps align the gearbox output shaft to the center of the support bearing on the opposite side of the combine, making the job quicker and easier," says Ellingson. In addition, the company sells a gearbox reinforcement plate that takes load stress away from the combine sidewall and transfers it to the cage frame, resulting in less bearing load and heat in the gearbox.
Also available is a mounting kit ($200) for concaves on Case-IH combines. Once installed, the add-on kit simplifies mounting of concaves and prevents concave misalignment under load. It also helps maintain a consistent concave setting, notes Ellingson. It installs in about an hour and consists of a solid steel shaft and three mounting brackets that eliminate the 2-pipe mounting system.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Precision Farm Parts, Box 220, Sherwood, N.Dak. 58782 (ph 701 459-2228; fax 701 459-2422).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3