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Farm Finance Review Newsletter
I'd like to tell your readers about a "best buy" they might be interested in. I edit and publish "Farm Finance Review", a monthly newsletter that many farmers tell us is one of the most valuable "tools" on their farm. Started in 1975 for ag lenders, it has gradually expanded readership to many farmers and ag businessmen who first spotted it at their bank or farm credit offices.
FFR reviews money and commodity markets from an ag lender's point of view and offers market recommendations. It also goes into business and living philosophy, goal setting, interpretations of changing farm conditions, etc., from the view of an editor (yours truly) who has been afarmer, teacher, farm credit director, credit corporation vice president, bank director, and machinery manufacturing director. We try to avoid getting bogged down in politics and Washington since we think supply and demand is still the main law of farm economics. And we try to leave you smiling with our "Final Thought".
Our subscription rate is $28.50 per year.
It comes by first class mail and, like FARM SHOW, contains no advertising. Send a self-addressed stamped business size envelope for a free copy. (Mike Kane, Editor, Farm Finance Review, 12340 North Granville Rd., Mequon, Wis. 53097)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3