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Easy-to-Make Dog Feeder
"Dogs love it and it saves you time," says Ricky Parnell about his homemade dog feeder.
"You only have to fill it about once a week, depending on how much your dog eats. The one I built holds about 20 lbs. of food. You can put it against the side of a tree or next to a tree.
"It consists of a tall narrow hopper made out of plywood that gets narrower as it reaches the shallow feed pan at bottom. A narrow opening at bottom lets food out into the pan as it's eaten. A flip-up cover protects both the hopper and the feed pan from the elements.
"I got the idea because my dogs were wasting a lot of food when fed in a pan or on the ground. This feeder lets them eat when they want to and they can eat as much as they want because of the constant supply of food. But nothing is wasted."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ricky Parnell, 3239 Keltner Rd., Edmonton, Kent. 42129 (ph 502 432-2062).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #5