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No Stick Closing Wheels For Derre Kinze Planters, Deere 750 Drills
"They reduce sidewall compaction, resulting in improved emergence and stand," says Pat Reinhart of May-Wes Manufacturing about the company's new "no stick" closing wheels for Deere and Kinze planters and Deere drills.
There are two 12-in. dia. spoked closing wheels for planters. On 750 drills, there's one spoked and one smooth. They use the same-size bearing as the original wheels so replacement parts are readily available, Reinhart notes.
It's recommended that a seed firmer be used in conjunction with the closing wheels.
For the 1996 planting season price will be about $109 per row.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, May-Wes Manufacturing Inc., Cty. Rd. 2, P.O. Box 33, Gibbon, Minn. 5.5335 (ph 507 834-6572; fax 6909).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #6