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Straight-Line Ripper Can Be Fitted With Three Different Types Of Shanks
M&W Gear's new straight-line ripper works down to 16 in. deep to shatter deep compaction without the heaving associated with parabolic shanks.
  What makes it different is that you can fit it with three different types of shanks: A shear-bolt protected shank, an auto-reset shank, or a parabolic auto reset shank. The available shanks can then be fitted with different points: a standard reversible point, a heavy-duty point, a hard-faced reversible point, or a heavy-duty wing point. You can vary tillage and residue retention with different combinations of points, something that's not possible with most other deep tilage tools.
  Available with overall widths of 11 and 17 ft.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, M&W, 1020 South Sagamon, Gibson City, Ill. 60936 (ph 217 784-4261).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #6