Super Drill Address Update
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Editor's Note: The Super Drill was invented in Australia. What makes it unique is that the one bit will cut holes from 1/2 to 3 in. dia. You simply drill a starter hole with a normal bit and then set up the Super Drill for whatever size hole you need. It's fitted with a couple tool steel cutters that are adjusted in and out with an allen wrench. It operates at slow speed û so you can use a less powerful drill û and costs about the same as a large twist bit but will do the job of multiple bits. A 3/4 hp. drill will drill a 2-in. hole in hard steel. In many cases, the drill eliminates a trip to a machine shop. Prices range from $40 for a Super Drill with a single cutter up to $180 for a boxed set with accessories. It has been distributed in the U.S. for years by Peter Schofield, Super Drill Sales West, 2240 Meadow Creek Rd., Lincoln, Calif. 95648 (ph 916 645-3198; Web site: In Canada, contact: Super Drill Sales, RR3, Waterford, Ontario NOE 1Y0 Canada (ph 519 426-7886).
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Super Drill Address Update FARM SHOP Tools 24-4-38 Editor's Note: The Super Drill was invented in Australia. What makes it unique is that the one bit will cut holes from 1/2 to 3 in. dia. You simply drill a starter hole with a normal bit and then set up the Super Drill for whatever size hole you need. It's fitted with a couple tool steel cutters that are adjusted in and out with an allen wrench. It operates at slow speed û so you can use a less powerful drill û and costs about the same as a large twist bit but will do the job of multiple bits. A 3/4 hp. drill will drill a 2-in. hole in hard steel. In many cases, the drill eliminates a trip to a machine shop. Prices range from $40 for a Super Drill with a single cutter up to $180 for a boxed set with accessories. It has been distributed in the U.S. for years by Peter Schofield, Super Drill Sales West, 2240 Meadow Creek Rd., Lincoln, Calif. 95648 (ph 916 645-3198; Web site: In Canada, contact: Super Drill Sales, RR3, Waterford, Ontario NOE 1Y0 Canada (ph 519 426-7886).
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