Perpetual Calender
This idea, featured in FARM SHOW earlier this year (Vol. 7, No. 3) is still generating calls and letters. Designed by Janice and Dwayne Larkin, of Parsons, Kan., the calendar is good as new and ready for reuse year after year.
It can be handed from generation to generation and made to fit any month in any year, from now until the end of time, simply by rearranging the little blocks in the slides. Dwayne cuts the back from plywood and mounts the slides to hold the numbered blocks. Janice designs and paints the blocks, painting the numbers and pictures with permanent acrylic paint, then varnishing several times to make them withstand wear.
"The big reason people like these perpetual calendars is because of the personalized blocks. This makes them very special to the family members," says Janice. Personalized birthday blocks feature each family member's name and a picture pertaining to his or her hobby or interest.
The Larkins sell "how to" instructions, complete with patterns for painting the blocks, for making your own personalized perpetual calendar. Cost is $4 per set.
Complete painted calendars with five personalized birthday blocks sell for $45. A kit made up of blocks and other pieces which you paint and assemble yourself sells for $30.
Contact: Janice and Dwayne Larkin, 1120 Alice, Parsons, Kan. 67357 (ph 316 421-6623).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6