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Drill Monitor
"Since I pull my seeder behind a packer, it's often difficult to tell if the feed shaft is turning, espcially in dusty conditions. So, I built a monitor that slowly revolves as the feed shaft turns, telling me the drill is seeding," explains Richard Anderson, Claremont, S. Dak.
The monitor is driven off the drill's feed shaft via a chain that runs from the shaft to a sprocket mounted on a jack stand bolted to the drill frame. The sprocket turns a pulley that turns a second pulley which spins the monitor. A V-belt with a 1/2 turn connects the two pulleys.
Four amber reflectors bolt, one on each end, to two pieces of flat stock connected to the top pulley.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Richard Anderson, Claremont, S. Dak. 57432 (ph 605 294-5816).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6