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Tree Guard Filled With Water
Here's a new idea from Australia.
  Biodegradable tree tubes have caught on big over the past couple decades. But Aussie inventor Christopher Ball of Tamworth, New South Wales, went one step forward by creating a tree guard filled with water.
  The WaterTube is made from UV-stabilized poly with water pockets that hold about 5 gal. of water. It drips its supply of water out over as long a period as 16 days, but can be adjusted to empty its load over a shorter period of time.
  It's held in place by three stakes and water is fed out of a coil dripper screwed into the bottom. You can also add liquid fertilizers to the water in the WaterTube, which can be refilled as needed, or left standing empty to protect the tree from rodents damage.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Christopher Ball, Mildura Native Nursery, Mildura, NSW, Australia (ph 011 61 03 5021 4117). (Excerpted from Power Farming Magazine)

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #1