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No-Mess "Barrel Buddy" Drains Used Oil Fast
Anyone who has tried to pour used oil into a barrel using an ordinary funnel knows that it's a slow and messy process. You pour a little oil into the funnel and then wait to let it drain, then have to repeat the process several times.
  Randy Duden, Gifford, Ill., came up with a solution. He made a large capacity, square steel box with a screen on top and a 1-in. drain at the bottom, which is flat. The box is designed to mount on top of any 30 or 50-gal. drum. Duden simply places used oil filters, or an upside-down bucket, etc., on top of the screen and lets the oil drain into the barrel.
  "It allows me to drain oil into the drum quickly and without making a mess. It also makes it easy to flush all the oil out of filters," says Duden. "The box is made from 12-ga. steel and holds about four gallons. The screen catches any drain plugs or other foreign objects."
  The "Barrel Buddy" is now on the market. Sells for under $70 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, The Spreader, Inc., Hwy. 136, Box 189, Gifford, Ill. 61847 (ph 800 428-9046 or 217 568-7219; fax 7619).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #2