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"Rocker" Great Fun For Kids
vNo matter how high kids go in this new "sport rocker", the seats always stay level.
  The rocker is 8 ft. long, 3 ft. high at the middle, and rounded at the bottom. It consists of a pair of half moon-shaped aluminum frames spaced about 2 ft. apart. Wooden seats near each end are suspended from the frame by lengths of chain link. The child hangs onto a foam-protected handlebar and rests his or her feet on a step. The unit weighs 35 lbs.
  "Kids always stay parallel to the ground instead of tilting forward or backward so they don't get scared from going too high," says a spokesman. "It takes less effort to rock it than a conventional teeter totter, especially if the other person weighs a lot. Once they get the unit rocking, the rounded bottom keeps their momentum going."
  Sells for $89 plus S&H. Breaks down for UPS shipping.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Global Creative Products, Inc., Box 3828, Albany, Ga. 31708 (ph 800 381-1012 or 229 776-1267; fax 229 776-1485).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6