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Slip-On Bucket-Mounted Bale Stabber
"I made my own round bale spear using heavy angle iron that slips over the edge of the loader bucket. It extends under the bucket to the back and fastens with a pin. It's safe to use and easy to put on and off," says Perry Hathaway, Claypool, Ind.
  The 4-ft. long spear is made from the axle off a New Idea 12A manure spreader. Hathaway used a cutting torch and a grinder on one end to make a sharp point. He shoved the other end of the tubing into a length of sq. tubing and spot welded it on. The sq. tubing goes through a 3 1/2-ft. long, 1/2-in. thick L-shaped bracket and under the bucket to the back side of the bucket where it's welded to a U clamp.
  To mount the bale stabber, he tips the bucket down, then drives forward so that the bucket lip goes between the top of the angle iron and the tubing. Then he tips the bucket up and inserts the pin. To remove the stabber he just removes the pin.
  "It's safe to use because the bale can't come over the top of the bucket back toward the operator. Over the years I've built several of these for neighbors," notes Hathaway.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Perry Hathaway, 4238 W 625 South, Claypool, Ind. 46510 (ph 574 491-3448).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #6