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Boodle Cans
Look-alike cans frustrate thieves ù These gifts, when opened, look just like soda, beer or oil cans. But they're really cleverly disguised hiding places for storing jewelry, money and other valuables.
You can place the cans (called Boodles) in the refrigerator, basement or garage without anyone suspecting that the beverage or oil cans actually hide valuables. The cans are authentic because they're the actual cans that the beverage and oil manufacturers use.
However, unlike ordinary cans, the inside of Boodles are lined with polypropylene, a hard plastic which adds weight to the can so it looks and feels like the real thing. The lids, which look like the regular pop top or flat top caps, are really screw-on covers.
RC Cola, Miller Lite beer, Penzoil, and Quaker State cans are available.
The beverage cans sell for $7.95 and the oil cans for $11.95, including postage.
For more information, contact: Boodle Cans, c/o FARM SHOW, P.O. Box 704, Lakeville, MN 55044 (ph 612-469-5572).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6