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Simple Round Bale Hauler, Unroller
Transport, tip and unroll. That's how easy it is to use the Bale Bustera, says Wendy Noualy, Vulcan, Alberta, whose husband invented the hauler. "It's also light enough so the whole family can use it."
  The hauler is made from heavy gauge square tubing and rides on 3,500-lb. high speed axles. It comes with a 4-ft. long center spike that goes 3/4 of the way through any size round bale, and two 16-in. stabilizer spikes. A 1,500-lb. self-braking safety winch tips the bale back for loading and unloading. It also has an extendable tongue with a 2-in. receiver hitch that can be used on cars, vans, tractors, SUV's and ATV's.
  The unit includes two cables and a separate unrolling bar. If you want to tip a bale into the "feeder" position, you simply detach one of the 16-in. stabilizer spikes, insert it into the bale in the appropriate place, run a cable to the spike and drive the vehicle forward so the bale tips on its end.
  To unroll a bale, you unload it and push another bar through the center of the bale.
  "The center spike has already created a hole inside the center of the bale during transport so it's easy to push a bale through," she says.
  Then, you attach two cables to the ends of the unrolling bar and cut the bale twines. Then drive forward.
  Comes apart for shipping. Sells for $1,399 (Can.) or $1,699.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Calhoun Sales & Service, LTD., P. O. Box 280, Foremost, Alberta, Canada T0K 0X0 (ph 403 867-3622; wendyjames27@msn.com; www.BaleBuster.com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #3