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Easy-To-Swing Titanium Hammer
The idea of buying a $100 hammer seems crazy but amateur builders are discovering what professional framers and carpenters have known for several years. Titanium hammers are easier to use, with less arm pain and fatigue.
  The titanium hammer was invented and designed by Mark Martinez, a third generation builder who liked using titanium golf clubs and wondered why the same technology wouldn't work for driving nails. A decade later, Stiletto Tools of Winton, Calif., offers several models of titanium hammers and nail pullers.
  "Titanium has a more efficient transfer of swing energy," explains Joel Allen, director of operations for Stiletto Tool. With a steel hammerhead, 70 percent of the force goes to the nail, with 30 percent recoil going back to the person swinging the hammer. Titanium puts 97 percent force to the nail.
  Allen says a 12-oz. titanium hammer delivers the same force as a 21-oz. steel hammer.
  Doctors also prescribe the hammers for carpenters who suffer from carpal tunnel and other repetitive motion, stress-related injuries.
  A framing model starts at about $100 with hickory handle. A model with a fiberglass handle sells for $120. Options like magnetic nail starters, and smooth or milled faces, are available.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stiletto Tools, 6061 N. Winton Way, Winton, Calif. 95388 (ph 800 987-1849; www.stiletto.com).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #1