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Hinge Kit Uses 8-In Cylinder
"It's easy to install and lets you use relatively inexpensive, and common, 8-in. cylinders to fold up tillage equipment," says Joe Schnell, manufacturer of a new hinge kit designed to fold up cultivators, rotary hoes and other equipment.
Schnell says the problem with other commercial fold-up kits is that they re-11 quire larger, more expensive cylinders. He designed a hinge mechanism with cam-type lift levers that raise a toolbar from the '!I horizontal to a 45? inward angle with just an 8-in. stroke. "Most people already have 8-in. cylinders around the farm they can use so they don't have to make a major investment to fold up equipment," points out Schnell.
To install, you simply cut through the toolbar and weld the hinge brackets into place. Fits any size toolbar. Sells for $500 for two hinges (without cylinders).
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Joe Schnell Welding & Machine, Inc., 104 2nd Ave., Lake Preston, S. Dak. 57249 (ph 605 847-4448).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #1