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Revolutionary Carbon Foam Batteries
Have you heard about these new 12-volt lead acid batteries that recharge faster, run longer, produce more power, weigh less and are completely recyclable? The "carbon foam" lead acid batteries are so efficient they match the performance of lithium and NiMH batteries without their high cost and also without their safety issues.
The new batteries are being produced by Firefly Energy, a spin-off from Caterpillar. They use Cat's patented Microcell foam grid technology that replaces up to 70 percent of the lead in a traditional lead acid battery. Positive and negative plates consist of lead oxide slurry impregnated, carbon-graphite foam. The result is up to 50 percent lighter weight than traditional lead acid batteries. The electrodes don't corrode, operate cooler and resist sulfation.
The carbon foam provides more surface area, which increases power output and enhances recharge speeds. It also improves cold weather performance. Best of all, the foam core improves power availability three to four times when compared to a conventional lead acid battery.
Extended cycle life is also expected for the new batteries. They are projected to last three to five times longer than conventional deep discharge lead acid batteries. The batteries can also be left in storage at low charges for extended periods without damage.
Initial development has been for use in U.S. military vehicles and for over-the-road trucks. The new Oasis Group 31 batteries developed for deep discharge use, such as truck starting and cab support, are expected to be available this summer.
Other projected markets include hybrid and electric vehicles and specialty equipment such as electric lawn care equipment, electric carts, forklifts, and wheelchairs - any product currently using storage batteries.
The new batteries will not initially be available directly to the general public. Firefly intends to market the technology through existing companies such as Husqvarna, an investor in Firefly.
The first batteries from Firefly were shipped to Husqvarna in November 2007.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Firefly Energy, Inc., 5407 N. University St., Arbor Hall 2nd Floor, Peoria, Ill. 61614 (ph 309 690-7500; www.fireflyenergy.com).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3