2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3, Page #37
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Water Shut-Off Tool
"It lets you safely turn valves that would otherwise be difficult to turn by hand," says inventor Bob Gordon.
Made from ABS plastic, the Gordon Wrench measures a little less than 5 in. long by 3 in. wide. The tool has an oval, recessed slot in it that exactly fits over the valve.
"It works great on valves under sinks or toilets that are corroded and almost impossible to turn by hand," says Gordon. "After a few years, a shut-off valve can corrode and become nearly impossible to shut off in an emergency or in order to make repairs. If you use a wrench or pliers you'll often break the valve. The Gordon Wrench grabs the valve's entire oval handle so there's no unusual amount of pressure on any point on the valve. And it's small enough to fit into hard-to-reach areas.
"The wrench also has a second oval slot with a pair of small holes in it. The second oval slot comes in handy wherever there isn't enough room to turn the wrench 360 degrees with the first oval slot. The holes are for use on valves found on automatic lawn sprinkler systems that are used mainly in California," says Gordon.
Sells for $9.75 including S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gordon Tool Co., 77500 South 6th St., F-1, Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 (ph 541 942-9342; contact@gordonwrench.com; www.gordon wrench.com).
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