Garden Cart Built Out Of A Bicycle Wheel
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I built this garden cart out of a bicycle wheel and some metal tubing. It carries a 5-gal. bucket and a tray for plants. I fill the bucket with water for use as I transplant plants carried in the tray. It's easy to roll around because it's lightweight and rides on the big bicycle wheel. Most of the weight is on the wheel, which is quite a long way from the operator. (Lyle Rawn, RR 3, Mount Forest, Ontario, Canada N0G 2L0 (ph 519 323-1537)
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Garden Cart Built Out Of A Bicycle Wheel FARM HOME Miscellaneous 32-3-41 I built this garden cart out of a bicycle wheel and some metal tubing. It carries a 5-gal. bucket and a tray for plants. I fill the bucket with water for use as I transplant plants carried in the tray. It's easy to roll around because it's lightweight and rides on the big bicycle wheel. Most of the weight is on the wheel, which is quite a long way from the operator. (Lyle Rawn, RR 3, Mount Forest, Ontario, Canada N0G 2L0 (ph 519 323-1537)
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