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Little Truck Started Out As A 3-Wheeled Electric Golf Cart
Here's a photo of a little truck I built that started out as a 3-wheeled electric golf cart. It's powered by a 12 hp Briggs & Stratton engine off a riding mower. A right angle gearbox reverses the rotation of the engine, which pto-drives a 3-speed standard transmission off a Chevy pickup. A pto shaft off a Bush Hog mower hooks up to the cart's rear end. The rig has a tilt steering wheel out of an Oldsmobile car, as well as a chrome grill, headlights, and tail lights. Its seat is a piece of plywood covered by foam rubber padding. Top speed is 25 mph.
    My grandchildren enjoy driving it. We live in the country and often drive it to a local country store to have a cup of coffee with friends. (Richard Ellis, 4758 County Road 4450, Pomona, Mo. 65789)

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3