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1/4-Size Deere B Tractor
My son Bradley enjoys riding this 1/4-size Deere B tractor. Bradley's uncle Michael Peters and great uncle Bill Orr built it and gave it to him four years ago when Bradley was just six years old.
    The tractor is powered by a 3 1/2 hp Briggs & Stratton engine, which belt-drives the transmission off an old Moto Mower riding mower. The tractor also uses the Moto Mower's frame, rear end, and rear wheels. It's equipped with a hand clutch and homemade brake pedals, just like on the real Deere B. The hood, grille, and steering wheel are handmade, while the seat is off a riding mower. The Briggs & Stratton engine has its own muffler, so the air intake and exhaust muffler on the hood are just for show.
    Bradley has driven the tractor in local parades and often pulls a mini peanut wagon built by his grandfather Murry Peters. One time we filled the wagon with peanuts and let Bradley haul the wagon across the weigh scales at a local peanut processor, and they gave him a check right on the spot. (Bobby Dykes, 303 Oak Hill Road, Newton, Alabama 36352 ph 334 701-6913)

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3