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Homemade Ornamental Mouse
I made this 10-in. high ornamental mouse by welding together parts off a 350 cu. in. engine. The legs are made from intake valves, the ears from exhaust valves, the head from a pair of rockers, the tail from a push rod, and the eyes from rocker balls. The eyes have floating pieces of round black plastic in them which are free to move around.
  I made a jig to hold the mouse's feet straight up and down, so that the mouse stands level and won't tip over. When I was done with the welding work I sandblasted the mouse and painted it silver. (Ron Gellert, Gilligans Autobody, P.O. Box 151, Bowden, Alberta, Canada T0M 0K0 ph 403 224-2551)

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3