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Bolt-On Turbo Boots Power On Old Farmalls
Franklin Duddy says his Keystone Turbochargers increase power on some engines as much as 100 percent. The turbos are adjustable, so the higher you crank them, the more horsepower you get.
"We set the turbos we install at four to five pounds," he says. "On a 4-cylinder Farmall Super M, that'll give you 72 hp. If you increase the boost to 6, the horsepower goes to 80, and at 8 it goes to 90."
Duddy and his son Mark built their first turbo charger for a tractor they were taking to tractor pulls. It's been on for more than two years with no problems. People who saw their unit began to ask about it. The Duddys started building them and selling locally. Before long they were selling them across the country. Applications are mostly for use with 4-cylinder Farmalls, including the M, Super M, I6, W6, 06, 400 and 450 gasoline engines.
"People love our units because they don't have to cut up their tractor to install them," says Duddy. "You just unbolt the manifold and carburetor, bolt the carburetor on the turbocharger and put it on the block in place of the manifold."
The only other change is to put an oil drain to the oil pan so the turbocharger can empty out. Removal is just as easy.
"If a fellow decides to sell the tractor, he can take off the turbo, put the manifold back on, and sell the tractor stock," says Duddy.
Duddy does advise his customers to not turn up the charge too quickly. One customer put it on a stock engine, pulled out and throttled up. "He told us he just about fell off the tractor; it picked up so fast," says Duddy. "He didn't expect that kind of power. When the exhaust pressure comes on, it almost doubles the power."
Keystone Turbos are available for use on engines up to 450 cu. in. Prices start at $1,650 with prices increasing with size and compression ratio.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Keystone Turbo, 2128 Dayton-Smicksburg Road, Smicksburg, Penn. 16256 (ph 814 257-8506; duddy1@alltel.net).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #3