1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2, Page #18
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Cruise Control For ATV'S
To solve the problem, a California company has introduced a simple add-on cruise control unit that lets you set a constant speed at anywhere from 3 to 15 mph. In addition, the first-of-its-kind unit has a number of other features that can normally only be found on expensive field monitors, says the manufacturer.
The monitor unit mounts on the handle-bars. In addition to controlling speed, it calculates field-to-field acreage (by punching in spray boom or toolbar width and wheel circumference), keeps track of total acreage worked, and can give you distance readings for measuring fields.
The actual speed control unit consists of an electric "servo" unit that mounts on the front carrier rack. A steel cable runs from it to the throttle. The electronic monitor on the handlebars sends signals to the servo, which makes adjustments automatically. There's a sensitivity adjustment on the unit which lets you adjust for varying field conditions.
Sells for $495. Takes 4 to 5 hrs. to in-stall.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, PBM, 324 Meyers St., Chico, Calif. 95928 (ph 916 345-1334; fax 916 345-9903).
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